Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Daily (W)Rite, Valentine's Day!

The Daily (W)Rite
Yes, it was Valentine's Day here in Norman Town on this just past Saturday. I never actually celebrate VD these days. Okay, I did do a few things for my Facebook friends, wrote a  new poem that didn't really come out right, at least, no one except David and Anna even looked at it. The one above was an old poem written back around 2oo8 or o9. I did some rewrites on it in '13 and a few more when Anna, my friend from Australia, asked me to repost it. I was surprised that she remembered it, I didn't. 
This is really the first year in a long while that I did Anything for VD. Always before, if I
wasn't "with" somebody I found the day rather emotionally draining. But this year I sort of . . . embraced it. I took myself to the movies. Yeah, that's right, I took myself out to the movies! I jump on the bike about 11:45am yesterday . . . I was proud of myself. I made a total of nine miles (round trip) without much difficulty.  Did have a run-in with a stupid ass kid that all most ran me over with his fucking car! He was trying to turn right on Main St. out of a parking lot, and there was a lot of traffic to his left and when he saw an opening he went for it and almost clipped me as I was traveling West. Man! I slammed on my breaks and cussed him out, just a young kid he was . . . and rather big! I regretted what I said as he began to roll down his window . . . I was sure he was going to pull a gun on me! But he didn't. He just said sorry and it was his fault and he was such a dumb-ass for not paying attention . . . and that made me feel bad, so bad that I apologized to him for cussing him out!

The movie I saw sucked. The most fun I had was afterwards when I stopped to watch all the people lining up for Fifty Shades of Grey. There were a LOT of 'em, but they were all women! Mostly in pairs and all dressed up, hair done nice, so excited to see this thing, and a bit embarrassed, I think, that everybody noticed them and knew what they were going to see. It was a laugh.

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