Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Daily (W)Rite February WK o3

The Daily (W)Rite
wk o3
So, I have this west window in my apartment. Not a big a gigantic window, but big enough that IF I could open it, which I can't, I could crawl out on the A shaped roof that covers the front porch. Anyway, I get the most spectacular view of sunsets from it. And that the sun is setting always takes me by surprise. I'm never ready for it. I'll walk over to do something on the computer and bam, there it is! For me it always makes me smile to see the light dying . . . and it always tries its best to let us humans know that it's passing away. And we mourn it, I guess, even though we know it won't be the last sunset . . . or, I'm guessing again, we hope it won't be the last sunset. But what a way to go if we got to go. Let everybody know that we were here; we lived and then we left.
Okay, I know better than to get pissed off at things people say on Facebook. I do know better. But every once in a great while someone decides to target me and like just about anybody else it does piss me off! Okay, maybe not a lot pissed off, but enough to make me want to get revenge!

So we got these wacked out state legislators in Oklahoma who just want to control everything in our lives. Recently they killed Common Core and now they've set their sights on Advanced Placement, in particular, they are going after US History because they believe that Advanced Placement curriculum focuses on what is "bad" about the USA, and doesn't emphasize how exceptional America is.  So, I get all riled about and write my state legislator, and I post one of my cartoons on Facebook to get my point across. Well, some Richard head that David knows took offense and wrote this in the comment section:
"Please don't Meme - that is such a red state sheep tactic.
Have a conversation, post your views,
but don't resort to petty images. pretty please!" -Ken
Okay, I know what you're thinking, "Don't do it, Woodie, don't let him bait you, stay away from the dark side of the Force!" And pretty much I followed your advice and didn't let it bother me . . . much. Yes, I did respond, but not with calling him names and jumping down his throat. Instead I just hit him with another Meme . . . whatever the hell a Meme is:
Heeeeeee! AND I made another one that I didn't put on Facebook because I didn't want to be redundant:
Okay? I felt better without drawing any psychological blood. Which brings me to my point: It's okay to fight back, butfight back with a bit of wit and with somewhat of a good nature.

Friday, February 21, 2o15
Hm. Didn't get much written this week or this month to be honest. I'm afraid that I'm losing m desire to write. It's scary to not be interested in creating my poetry. I have spent a bit of time rewriting some older stuff . . .  but haven't created anything new. It saddens me in a way. No desire to be the artist. Hell, being a bad artist was always better than not being an artist at all. But now? It doesn't seem to matter much to me. Feeling a bit beached, like a whale, or paper cup some kid sipped some rum and coke out of then crushing it flat when he finished . . . tossed into the ocean . . . adrift . . .  but only for a short time . . . not even the gigantic Pacific Ocean wants me. I just keep being pushed back onto the sandy shore. That's me. A sea shell filled with wet sand.  Drowning has never been a sure fire solution to anything. Suicide is a waste of time . . . and razor blades.

Lots of bills this week because of all the doctor appointments. All that worry about my heart. Not sure i's real or made up by the doctor. Old folks are always easy picking for doctors. We are all so painfully aware of our mortality especially when a bad case of flu could easily lead to pneumonia. A fall off the bike? When I was young, nothing to it. Take the fall, get up and ride off. Now a days a simple slip and tumble down the stairs could break something. "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

I guess that's enough writing for tonight. What little bit I just wrote felt good. Maybe I'll get some more done in the morning.



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