The Daily (W)Rite (Wk 2)
And yes. As usual I haven't written anything for a while now. I'm not sure the reason. Perhaps I'm just lazy. Maybe I haven't felt well, or it is possible my mind just hasn't focused on anything. Whatever my very good reason (or my very good excuse) for not writing at least a little bit each day, I am determined to try and get something down on one of my blogs.
Well, today it really feels like autumn for the first time this year. Or do I mean it feels like fall? Not sure which word is the right word for the season. I've heard tell that it's all up to the writer which term to use. And according to the online dictionary, autumn is European and fall is American and both terms were originally . . . harvest. So, I think I'll use harvest from now on. Why? Well, you now me. I always try to stand out.
Oh, yeah, and Halloween is just around the corner! It is my favorite holiday. What? Are you looking at me as you read this with an incredulous look on your face? How could anyone have Halloween as their favorite holiday? What about Christmas, the Fourth of July, Arbor Day? Well, I like all those holidays, of course, but Halloween has always been the most exciting time of year for me.
As far back as I can remember I have had a fascination with horror! Hmmm, do I see that look again? No worries, okay? I have just loved the concept of monsters, other worldly happenings and things that go bump in the night. It started back when I was 6-7 years old watching horror movies on Friday night when my mother and dad would leave me alone so they could go drinking at the local bar (or actually, bars). No big thing. Today we frown on the "home alone" idea. But back in those days it wasn't a big concern. Anyway, the first horror film I remember seeing was the 1931 version of Dracula, and man, I'm telling you it scared the crapola out of me! And I've loved horror ever since. AND Halloween with all the costumes and the creepy harvest weather . . . well, I can't get enough of it.There's been a lot going on in the world. An extremely hostile, frightening world out there. ISIS, Ebola, cops with a license to kill anyone who's black. And the economy? Don't get me started on that. But yeah, the world is all screwed these days. It's all very depressing. But is it any less violent, scary than any other period in time? Is it more challenging to the community than WWII, or the Depression, our revolutionary war? Probably not. But that doesn't make it less scary. We have a damn right to be scared shitless about all this stuff! But it also demands that we do what our parents (grandparents) did when they faced the monsters of their time. We got to work to defeat the nasties the world throws at us! You know, I'm thinking the reason I like Halloween and all that scary stuff so much is that it's really NOT as scary as real life. REAL life has REAL monsters in it.
So here's the problem. I stayed up until six this morning working on my neglected blogs. I reallu enjoyed it. I've been so lethargic for the last year. It felt nice to kick myself into creative gear three and do a lot of work last night. My poetry . . . . .
11:30 PM

a lot of time going over some old poems and rewriting. Focusing a lot on the structure these days. Many of the old poems that I thought were complete . . . were not. Rewriting has been good for me. It helps by get my creative juices flowing for a BIG project I have planned. More about that later. Goodnight.
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