
But now I'm back. There's a lot to be talking about. More than likely I may just cut my blogging down to once or twice a week. The "Daily (W)Rite may be a little to much for me at this time.
I have been out taking a lot of pictures, though. Quite a few "cloud pictures! I don't know why, but the twilights in Norman Town are quite lovely. It's hard to resist getting the camera out and shooting until it's dark. I'm sure to post a few ( okay, a LOT) of them with some other pics I've taken.
So, If you've missed me . . . I'm back!
Friday, o9-26-2o14
Well, four days of walking around for exercise and it feels pretty good. I think only thing I hate about my "old" body is that I can't get around as fast and easy anymore. I know, I should have stopping smoking AND drinking AND doing . . . the drugs a long time ago. But it is what it is. I am feeling better though. When I got the pneumonia back in 2o11, it really took a lot out of me. To be honest I felt like I wouldn't make out of the hospital . . . alive this time. But I did and I am enjoying being alive.
Getting some good pics on our walks, David and me (yes, I know, it should be David and "I" but I'm just a rebel!). This Crane was just fishing in the lake at Sutton Wilderness, and I was lucky to get great shot of it. David pointed it out to me and my camera went crazy taking its Pic!
Also got this wonderful pic of a butterfly! Don't know what kind it is, but it came out well. Wildlife is hard to photograph. Not the best model. They don't take direction well.
Anyway, feeling a little more hope, this last few days. Life is working out. Feeling a lot more creative. Yes, it's mostly doing the photography, but I hope to get back to the writing real soon.
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