Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Daily {W}rite September 2018 wk o2

Yes, David and I made arrangements while watching the OU vs UCLA game to go today (Sunday) and see The Nun. I've been pretty excited about seeing based solely on the trailers I've seen and the art work on the left there of the Nun. P.S. the caption I added. And yes, after all our planning and everything I had forgotten the wake up time, which has always been my job, call David and wake him up an hour (or so) before the movie starts. Hence, the meme sent to David via IM. 12:30pm  rolls around and I'm calling David. I didn't get an answer just his message collector,
"Hi, these is David. Please leave a message. Peace and love." Peace and Love" always sounded to me like robot David was saying, "Peas and Carrots." I hang up, call again. The time someone picks up. Hello?" I knew then we weren't gonna make to the movies. " Give me one more hour?" the ghost voice said. And at 1:30pm I call and, "I don't think I can make it man. To deep in a dream to wake up." I knew it was coming. Was I disappointed? YES! and no. Look at our age we get sick a lot, if not sick just too lethargic to get out of bed. I've done it to him lots of times. So, no worries. The movie will be around for a while. So, I set myself up for staying and watching--about 5pm, "Hey!," said a spunky David, "you wanna go see that movie at 7pm?" And we did. And it was not all that good. {no smile}

TUEsday, September 11, 2o18
Yesterday, we had to drive David's daughter to a job interview in OKC. She was nervous. The job is very important to her and she was afraid she might mess it up. I didn't tell her the advice I got from other actors when I auditioned for the first time in front of the faculty at OU Drama. "Just picture the professors naked." Naw, that wouldn't make me  less nervous in front of a group of people that has a say in whether you get a job or not.

Went with David to his daughter's work place, a daycare center to read to some very little kids. I really didn't know we were going to read to a group, I thought we were going to read to David's granddaughter only. Kids are great, really. But when you look like David and I? We walked into the room and all the kids looked at us . . . and started crying! Well, that's bummer. But their "handlers" cooled them down a bit, and they sat on the big rug in the middle of the class room and David started to read and . . . they calmed down and paid attention to David reading one of the kids book the teachers offered us. David's pretty good with kids. And then it was my turn and that's when it started to get out of hand. Not all at once but little by little the kids started to lose their interest in me reading . . . hell, I don't even know what I was reading. Oh, yeah something about the noises animals make. And this one little guy couldn't make any sound but that of a tiger! Yeah, hecklers start early in life. And soon the kids just started to ignore me, some wondered off to play with a toy, a shoe. Some just seemed to close their eyes and fall asleep. Man, it was rough house.
WEDnesday, September 12, 2018
I begin each morning with . . . the opening of my eyes . . . BLINK . . . BLINK . . . BLINK . . . it takes a bit of time for my consciousness to reboot from my brain's sleep mode. But eventually . . . it does. Put the coffee up. I always like a fresh pot in the morning-- put the coffee up? Oh, yeah. When I was in high school and living in La Puente, CA, I made friends with a kid from New York who lived around the corner of my suburban home . . . His dad was an upholsterer working out of his garage reupholstering furniture for all in the neighborhood. I gotta part time job (Saturdays and Sundays)  with him "stripping" the old upholstery off the chairs and couches. It paid a little. I did get breakfast every morning from his wife who had decided I was worth "adopting" as one of her "extra" sons. She adopted a lot of us from the neighborhood. But I was the only one that got breakfast. We were so close I didn't have to knock on the door to enter the house. I'd open the door and before I could say hello, I'd hear her birdlike voice, "That you Woodie?" "Yeah." "Good. Well, I'll put the coffee up." And THAT is where I got that saying put the coffee up, which is New York speak for I'll make some coffee.

THURsday, September 13, 2o18
Do you ever lose track of time? I don't mean an hour or so, or when you're in an engaging conversation with another person (not yourself) and you glance at the clock on coffee house wall and see it's . . . "Oh, my! 4pm already? I got to go." No, I mean those moments when you realize you don't know the date, what day of the week it is . . . hell, for a moment you can't remember what the year is! I used to worry about that a lot. I am getting older and the possibility that I might in the months to come wind-up with some kind of dementia, or the big evil, Alzheimer's, that monster of the brain that eats away at whatever it is that makes me human . . . that's the motherfucking bogyman of old age. Every night when I say my prayers (yes, I pray), I exit my God conversation with, "Please, God. Don't give me Alzheimer's  in my sleep.

FRIday, September 14, 2o18
Yes, I'm cheating a bit. This was not written on the 14th but on the 15th. Busy, painful, exhausting weekend. Well, I 'll tell you more about next week! Bye-bye, Spider-Guy!


  1. It would be a really painful weekend if you fell off that wall, or, if the wall was holding you up and fell on you! Laughing really sweetly to myself...

  2. Ha! The first person I know of that ever answered on the site. Thanks!
