Friday, November 22, 2019

The Daily {W}rite November 2019 wk. o4

I know. Where have I been? Well, the first of November, as you already know, I was deep into the chemotherapy. Most days I just felt . . . too depressed, too lethargic to write. However, starting about a week ago I started felt better. Yep! Two weeks now without an over abundance of shortness of breath. And to be honest, I was enjoying (am still enjoying) the feeling that I'm my old self again that I just didn't feel like writing on the blog. I have kept with the poetry, writing pretty much a poem a day (or night). But here I am back on the blog due primarily to David telling me I should get back to it. Let me catch you up:

Two dark nights ago I did battle with a ninja mouse that invaded my apartment. Actually, he was in the bathroom. I walked in on him and he just started running circles around me . . . It scared me . . . In self defense I grabbed a sturdy, plastic mop leaning against the bathroom door and wacked the little fucker with it . . . blood gushed out of him. A lot of blood. I felt awful. I picked the mouse up by its tail and put it and the weapon I killed him with in a plastic back . . . out to the dumpster I crept . . . my evil deed in hand.

Went to see the Korean movie Parasite yesterday. IF you are a lover of great, contemporary film making . . . see this movie. Don't want to say any more than that, which is a good sign.

Julia Roberts was being considered for the role of Harriet Tubman back in 1994. People just found out about it and they are mad. Julia Roberts didn't get the role. In fact, the movie Harriet was just released November o1, 2o19 with Cynthia Erivo playing the title character.

David and I have been getting up and out of our respective Apartments do a little walking for the exercise we both really need. Driving to the mall to walk, we saw this little old man all hunched over, big overcoat surrounding is rather plump body. We went walking and I couldn't get the old man out of my mind. I noticed I was walking a lot like him . . . hunched over, body feeling so fragile I was afraid of taking one step with out my cane for balanced. He, of course, didn't have a cane. But I felt so like an old man for the first time ever, I think. But magically, I regained a lot of my strength do primarily to me taking a stroll every day. I still carry the cane . . . just in case.

It's 3:52 in the afternoon and I'm listening to some New Age music. Very soothing, calming . . . a bit freeing of the imagination. Peter Pan poetry rummaging through my thoughts . . . looking for a way know doubt  . . . finding its way through the cluttered closet maze . . . my fingers pray for their swift journey.

Saturday, November 23, 2o19
Angry! My anger just doesn't pop up out of nowhere  . . . it is ignited by someone putting a match to my already short fuse of a temper. Anger is how I deal with "attacks" on me physical or mental attacks. I really have a hard time telling the difference between the two. But my angry response to what I perceive as hostile, an open aggression towards me always seems at the time to be warranted. But when I do defend myself against the aggression of others, they, the trespassers of my space (again, both physical as well as mental) look at me as if it's ME who is being unreasonable.

Friends of mine, really close, good friends of mine who feel it's necessary that they lecture me on how to act in public. I'm not suppose to say certain things around certain people because . . . well, because my opinion about things like art and politics are so "radical" that I might disturb the well being of others. Wow! I should be happy, I guess. I mean, I must be an extremely powerful person if my "opinion" can change the fucking world of those around me. What a profound, magical, mystical voice I must have that just the sound of it can destroy the world and all the people in it. Damn it. Now I'm angry again. {smiles}


November's Winter Breath
This is me. This is the me that winter carves from my flesh, pulls from my bone marrow . . . this is me the pink, anemic blood that runs like a crippled tortoise through the dry beds of my withering veins. And the rest of the world? This wadded up paper thin world, this pale white world as anemic as I am . . . And the other fleshers, the two legged, furless fleshers. To stone they've turned. Too long they turn away from the truth . . . stone is what you become when you refuse the life within you.

Sunday, November. 24, 2o19
The Story of My Life
a play in one act
by Woodie
Scene: At the order counter of a fancy restaurant.
OD: (Order Taker) Can I help you sir?
Woodie: Yeah, let me have a Rueben without sauerkraut. That comes with fries, right?
OD: I'm sorry sir. We just ran out of fries.
Woodie: (to himself) Fuck.
OD: We do have potato chips for a substitute side.
Woodie: Nah, that's all right.
OD: I'm really sorry, sir . . . About the fries.
Woodie: It's alright, man. We just reenacted the entire story of my life.
Postscript: A fancy restaurant with an order counter? Yeah, I know.

There is nothing to be done. Not at this moment  not in the moments to come. Not in a future world, an altered reality where human beings are kindly, warm, interested in other human beings and their fantasies, their hopes and dreams. Nothing to be said either. No words strong enough to open the minds of those who chose not to think beyond their own well being. The brain has gone on vacation. The mind is closed. Out to lunch. Only the crumbs remain for the few fat rats who are strong enough, ruthless enough to devour all in front of them . . . all of them . . . for a few crumbs.

I forgot yesterday and everything I knew the day before . . . yesterday. No trick to it. However, forgetting the future yesterdays before they're born . . . another discipline all together.

Monday, November 25, 2o19
Haven't been to bed yet. Got to be at the hospital in for hours, wake up David in about three. Oh, well. Extremely sad this morning. Why? Hmm, I'll think about it, write about it later. I got to at least try and sleep a bit.

Tuesday, November 26, 2o19 
Rowdy time at the blood doctor's. An RN that's been on maternity  leave for three months worked on me for the blood test. I didn't know her but she seem to know what she was doing. My blood was okay so I left the oncology office . . . and RN Kelly came running out   . . . "Oh, you need to come back for a blood transfusion today" Oh, sure no problem. David and I went to Stella Nova, got coffee, sat down and my phone rings. "Yeah?" "Robert, this is Nurse Kelly. We need you to come back in as soon as you can for another blood test, okay?" Okay, so gulped the coffee down, went back to the hospital and the same RN that took my blood earlier was taking it again. She apologized for the mess up and gave me a new blood test, I went home for a nap and returned at two for a blood transfusion. During the transfusion, I dozed off several times . . . waking up to see David sleeping in the small chair across from me. Sometimes I forget how good of a friend he is to me.

Wednesday, November 27, 2o19
I refuse to count the many shadows drifting into my apartment from the window. I, however, can feel  them counting MEs as I sit quietly at the computer and try to come up with something witty to say for my readers . . . and most times . . . I know I fail.

Thursday, November 29, 2o19
Having a difficult time tonight writing out my monthly (bi-monthly) bills. I keep wanting to make the date out as: 11-19-19. I don't know why. I'm sure I'll never know why.

Whoever said that people my age can't have new experiences sure didn't eat the pizza I had this afternoon at one of the "new" pizza places in town. The worst pizza I ever had! Way too expensive ($20-$23  a pie!), and it only came in an 18" size! AND it tasted like warmed over crap! Crust so thin it only had one side! (Thank you, I'll be here all week). I ate maybe three or four pieces of it because that's all I could get down. "Do you want the rest in a box to go?" Asked the cute little waitress. Her and the other waitperson fought over who was going to put my pizza in the box. AND the box was way, way BIG . . . the Godzilla of boxes. So, I took my pizza in its box outside, and as soon as I got out of range of the restaurant . . . I shoved it into a trash can, which was a bit of a chore cause the damn box was so BIG!

Saturday, November 30, 2o19 (December on it's way!)
Well, the transfusion they gave me on Monday sucked as bad as the pizza I had on Thursday. Yeah, I ate  . . . four pieces through the rest away . . . too late. I started feeling crappy as hell. Stomach upset, I kept tasting that fuckin' pizza all night . . . sleepy real sleepy. But I woke up Friday and . . . fuck. Dizzy, could barely stand up . . . And Saturday? I was back to feeling lousy from the chemo and the cancer. I could barely stay awake when David and I went to his daughter's for a Day After Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day! Shortness of breath was back . . . big time. The dizziness too. Shit. I thought I was getting better.

The art/poem on the right I created from a lost poem I wrote back in 2o13. I do that a lot. Lose a poem, find it later and do a few rewrites on it. But there are some that never get found. Lost almost all the poems from 2oo5-2o16 when my thumb drive committed suicide. Oh, well. See you in December. {smiles} P.S. The art/poem needs more work.

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