This has always been a splinter in my mind . . . the imagination as the fifth dimension of human existence. Aaaah! I will explore this more a little later on. But not right now.
Okay, so I began spilling my intellectual guts onto the electronic page about the imagination as the 5th dimension in what we often think is only a 4 dimensional reality. And I also remember that I told you I'd be back later on to explain the theory of the imagination as a dimension and . . . Well before I get into that . . . I better think about it. Explore it personally before I go off on a philosophical rant . . . Okay, granted. Most people don't think about or experience in real time the philosophies, religious points of view that they demand we adapted to own lives without explanation. I am not that type of spiritual guru. I want to think about live in my philosophy for a period of time and THEN force you to see life the way I perceive it. That's the kind of guy I am. {smile}
Browsing through an old GIF file and found this animation I did last year. Really forgot all about it. Actually, it feels like one of my best. I love Norman-town. Love walking its streets, eating at its restaurants, going to movies in its one theatre. And OU campus. I don't go over there much anymore. I loved studying at OU, being a college student. Yeah, I'm gonna stay in Norman-town forever.
Sunday, December 16, 2o18
It appears I'm a trouble maker, riff-raff, instigator, traitor, backstabber . . . I take great offense to last metaphor. If I've ever stabbed someone in the back, I've done it while standing in front of him . . . her.
My problem is, my "kill them with logic" button is always activated by absolutism.
Absolutism: Noun: The acceptance of or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters.
Yep. Nothing drives me crazier than people with their absolute answers to any question. My science friends are possibly the worse offenders. "If science says there is no god, no afterlife . . . then, by God, it's so!" And I do understand the opinion that everything in religion (specifically in Christianity) is just hokum, bullshit made up to keep the masses, the slaves in line, in their place as property of the rich and powerful. BUT science, in its defense of those who do not want to be enslaved by religious zealots, has become the thing that it says it's against, a totalitarian approach to life and governing others. I wrote a poem about this Hitleresque approach to logic, science which you probably have already read since I'm sure, dear reader, you follow ALL of my writings with a teenybopper fanaticism for anyone with a "rock-god" stature . . . Hell! Here's the poem . . . P.S. IF it's too small, click on the image to enlarge. P.S.S. you do know I'm talking about the poem, right? {smiles}

Monday, December 17, 2o18
Went to see The Mule. A sad little movie with Clint Eastwood (Starring and directing) that should have been a lot more interesting than it was, sorry to say. I am biting at the bit to see the animated Spider-Man that everyone is raving about! One of my movie reviewer friends says it's the BEST superhero movie . . . EVER! Hmm! We will have to investigate that outrageous statement. Why does everything have to be better than for us to like it? Sometimes our egos get involved with our critiques of other people's art.
Tuesday, December 18, 2o18
It's four in the morning here in my apartment . . . in Norman-town. As I type these words into my computer, the National Geographic TV show is airing a special on . . . God. Good. God is better contemplated when it's early in the morning before the world wakes up into a new day of sunlight and shadows. Best time to dream, wide eyed open to Him . . . or She. In fact I had a debate about God with a Facebook, scientist friend. Science people are very . . . very . . . well, they are always, the ones I know, very . . . may I say skeptical about the existence of a God. But the are particularly stubborn about their believe that there is no God when they are talking with a Christian . . . and yes, I admit it! I am a Christian.
I'm blog rambling again. I do it all the time when I'm "talking to myself" on the laptop. I try NOT to ramble when I'm in conversation with another human being, face to face, voice to voice. I do often enough take over a conversation and am hard pressed to give it up to other people, who have their ideas too on whatever subject were involved with. But of course their ideas are NOT as important as my own ideas. See? That's what happens! I say something like that, "But Woodie, you do think I have a right to my own ideas, don't you?" "Of course you do! As long as they don't contradict my opinions, my ideals, my philosophy!" {smiles}
Wednesday, December 19, 2o18
So, it's a mild winter so far in Norman-town, but it is still cold, uncomfortably cold and cold enough to be a bit dangerous for the older folk . . . like me. And guess what happened today? The pilot l ight went out on the gas heater. But no problem to light it up . . . well, okay, a bit of a chore for my old, somewhat portly body to get down on the floor, lay down on the floor actually, and push the pilot light knob in, light up the pilot light and keeping pushing on the knob for about 60 sec. and that's what I did . . . but the pilot light wouldn't stay lit. I tried a couple more times and still it wouldn't hold. Finally, my neck and back started aching and I stopped trying. Called the landlord, got his message app. and I told it the problem . . . and he didn't come. Around 10pm he did call and I told him the problem and I suggested he come by tomorrow and he said he would. So, everything is fine and I'll have heat tomorrow and . . . and . . . I'm just depressed as hell. Such a little thing like a pilot light going out and I'm losing it. It's not just the heater . . . well, it was sort of the last straw sort of thing, right? the straw that broke the Woodie's back? Exactly that, yeah. My whole life sucks . . . from the day I was born.
Thursday, December 2o, 2o18
Today is my best friend's B-day, David Slemmons. I'm trying to wake him up so we can go celebrate . . . but waking David is sometimes a lot like trying to wake the dead. Hmm. Probably at our age (70 years old) we shouldn't joke about . . . the big D, biting the big one, the dirt nap, the sleep of forever . . . Actually, I probably shouldn't use any of those colorful phrases.
1:00pm -Two hours later and I still can't get David on the horn. Oh, well. A rather rowdy wind kicking up out there. Comes and goes, really. Sometime that southern breeze goes all mime on me. Not word from it's invisible mouth. And then . . . WHOOSH! A very load, boisterous rattling of the elm trees that line the curbs on the westside of Trout Ave. The leftover autumn leaves take flight out of the gutter graves they've inhabited for the last two months and tumble, fly like ancient angels down the asphalt roadway.
A Winter's Poem
The truck was far more excited aboutTuesday, December 18, 2o18
It's four in the morning here in my apartment . . . in Norman-town. As I type these words into my computer, the National Geographic TV show is airing a special on . . . God. Good. God is better contemplated when it's early in the morning before the world wakes up into a new day of sunlight and shadows. Best time to dream, wide eyed open to Him . . . or She. In fact I had a debate about God with a Facebook, scientist friend. Science people are very . . . very . . . well, they are always, the ones I know, very . . . may I say skeptical about the existence of a God. But the are particularly stubborn about their believe that there is no God when they are talking with a Christian . . . and yes, I admit it! I am a Christian.
I'm blog rambling again. I do it all the time when I'm "talking to myself" on the laptop. I try NOT to ramble when I'm in conversation with another human being, face to face, voice to voice. I do often enough take over a conversation and am hard pressed to give it up to other people, who have their ideas too on whatever subject were involved with. But of course their ideas are NOT as important as my own ideas. See? That's what happens! I say something like that, "But Woodie, you do think I have a right to my own ideas, don't you?" "Of course you do! As long as they don't contradict my opinions, my ideals, my philosophy!" {smiles}
Wednesday, December 19, 2o18
Thursday, December 2o, 2o18
Today is my best friend's B-day, David Slemmons. I'm trying to wake him up so we can go celebrate . . . but waking David is sometimes a lot like trying to wake the dead. Hmm. Probably at our age (70 years old) we shouldn't joke about . . . the big D, biting the big one, the dirt nap, the sleep of forever . . . Actually, I probably shouldn't use any of those colorful phrases.
1:00pm -Two hours later and I still can't get David on the horn. Oh, well. A rather rowdy wind kicking up out there. Comes and goes, really. Sometime that southern breeze goes all mime on me. Not word from it's invisible mouth. And then . . . WHOOSH! A very load, boisterous rattling of the elm trees that line the curbs on the westside of Trout Ave. The leftover autumn leaves take flight out of the gutter graves they've inhabited for the last two months and tumble, fly like ancient angels down the asphalt roadway.
A Winter's Poem
sliding down the icy road that
leads to town than me and why not?
It's fossil-fueled engine -Yes, I know you always say,
An electric car would work better! -kept it warm
while I shivered in the cab 'cause the heater
never works . . . except in the summer.
But, you joked, our love is passionate! True, or
at the least, obsessive enough to keep icicles from
forming on my hands as I swerve and skid
toward the closest grocery store just to buy
a quart of milk for your morning tea.
And yes, there's something (sort of) comforting
in the knowledge that when I finally make it back
home and alive we'll wrap ourselves up
in that huge quilt you made, sip a hot cup of cocoa,
smoke a couple of cigarettes (and maybe
sneak a chilly kiss or two) while I
wait for my for my frozen feet to thaw.
Friday, December 21, 2o18 12:39am
Finally got a hold of David and we did go out to celebrate his birthday a bit with coffee and a late lunch at Panda Garden. It was nice. But tonight we are going over to the kids' house for another celebration because Michael, David's son, is in town. Oh! Today I was wondering if I would ever get to see the new Spider-Man animated movie. David wouldn't go and I'm not sure my sister would really be into it, she'd rather see Aquaman because . . . well, it's got Jason Momoa in t the lead so . . . anyway, I just got out of my street clothes when the phone rang.
Woodie: Hello?
Brendan: Hey! You wanna go see the new Spider-Man Movie? Robin was going to go but she wasn't feeling too good and I got a spare ticket . . . you wanna go?
Woodie: Oh, hell ya!
Brendan: Pick you up in ten minutes!
Woodie: Yep! I'll be ready.
And so, I jump out of the robe, got back into the my street clothes and we drove off to The Warren to watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and it was wonderful!
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