I said goodbye last night to one of my oldest Facebook friends. No, she didn't die . . . well, in a metaphorical way . . . she did pass away. She was always posting the most vile political fake news on Facebook. Totally dishonest and hurtful to a fault. I put up for it because I really liked her, she's a poet and a publisher of novels and poetry in New Mexico. And I had some outlandish belief that I could change her outrageous political opinion. Yeah, that didn't work. Last night she posted this horrible story about how Democratic men where supporting abortion so they could gain control over women and ultimately destroy them. It was too much for me. I deleted her from friends list, and blocked her from ever contacting me again.
WEDnesday, October 17, 2o18
Remember how disappointed I was last week when David and I went to the Halloween stores in town and saw the pickings were, well, skimpy to say the least? Not much to write home about in either store as far as masks and Halloween accessories go. What masks there were, were over priced nothing other $50.00 that I saw. Really broke my little Halloween heart.
Well, today went for a healthy walk, at the sooner Fashion Mall because it was still a tad bit cold to go out to the Sutton Wilderness park. So, we were walking through Penny's into the main part of the mall. We started to notice that there were a lot of empty store fronts, the big bay windows were covered up with stenciled paper saying SOONER FASHION MALL in big black letters. Another disappointment. I love Sooner Fashion Mall and just hat the idea that it may go out of business just like the Sears store, which is expected to shut their doors in Norman-town before the end of the year.

Anyway, I was walking by this long row of paper covered shop windows where once there was some kind of Hepster clothing store . . . I turn the corner and my eyes got REAL big and my mouth opened like a enamel grand canyon! Holy Cow! There was this GIANT Michael Myers animatronic statue stabbing the air with his gigantic French knife in the rhythm of the tune to Halloween lairing out that wonderful sound! It was a Halloween store! A Halloween store! A huge store filled with wonderful bloody and scary Halloween supplies. AND I got this crazy cheap mask for my Halloween costume this year! I cried, I think. I was so . . . happy.
THURsday, October 18,2o18
Well, if my friend Brendan is over being sick, I'll be going to see the new Halloween movie tonight around 10pm. I am excited . . . and hoping with all my bloody heart that it won't be a disappointing movie. Yeah, I always worry when a sequel comes out or a remake is released. Lot's of people frown on any sequels, any remake of their cherished
I-saw-it-when-I-was-just-a-kid movie. Nothing can ever be better or even as good as the original. And often enough they are right in that o[pinion. There's only a handful of remakes and sequels that even close to be "almost" as good as the original movie.
WEDnesday, October 24, 2o18
Robin on the Phone
THURSday, October 18, 2o18
"I'm on my way!" That was the message that I accidently found on my Facebook IM! Crap! It was sent ten minutes ago! I panicked! looked out the window . . . no, no car yet! Damn it. I checked everything: Wallet in my pocket, good. Shades . . . well, I didn't need my shades because it was 9:45pm! Oh, reading glasses . . . check! Hat coat . . . did I need a coat? Well, it was 60 some odd degrees outside . . . so yes! And out the door I went . . . WAIT! MY KEYS! WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY KE . . .! Oh, they were on my lanyard . . . around my neck. Locked the door, ran down the stairs, through the front door just as two glowing headlights entered the driveway! Yeaaaaaaaaa! Brendan is and we were off to see Halloween.
"WELL! ARE! YOU! READY!" Brendan yelled happily. "You bet I am!" I yelled back as I fastened my seat belt. It was so dark inside the car. But of course it was. It was 9:45 at night! But I rarely go somewhere when the sun goes down. It was a little weird. However, Brendan's Smartphone was on his lap and I could just make out his pale face in the ghostly glow of his phone as he put the car in reverse and gleefully yelled, "AND! AWAY! WE! GO!" He floored it and we glided like a skate on ice into the street, BAM! into drive and as Brendan said, "AWAY! WE WENT!"
I just sat in the dark looking out the shotgun window at the . . . dark. Not much light out, the street lights seemed dim. Brendan was on his phone to somebody. His new smartphone was cool, really cool. He had it on speaker mode, on his lap just talking up a storm. "Who you talking to?" I asked. "Robin!" "Oh, hi, Robin." "Hi, Woodie," the phone said. I figured they must be talking about something important so I decided to just . . . look out the window. And before I knew it, we were turning into the Warren parking lot, and man! It was bright as hell out there! I turned to my side to unfasten the seat belt and I noticed movement in the backseat . . . "Robin! When the hell did you get here?" "I've been here all the time!" And I laughed and she laughed and Brendan laughed . . . Damn I'm getting old. {smiles}