I feel a bit of the cold on my naked back. Nothing much to write about at six in the morning on this the twenty-second day of February. Yes, I'm awake after only a few hours sleep. But I shouldn't have said that so loud because my eyes heard it . . . they finally force me to go to sleep.
5:13 pm
I should finish my Top Ten Movie List for 2o15 and go on to writing reviews about the two 2o16 movies I just saw, Deadpool and Hail, Caesar. But the right side and the left side of my thought factory are fighting. The right, of course, wants to create while the left, of course, would rather sit on the couch and watch the national news reports. I'm afraid that my "logical" side with its logical excuse, "Hey, you're tired, you should rest," has won the day. Maybe later on tonight, I'll feel more like writing. I hope so. {yawn}
Tuesday, February 23, 2o16 3:23 P.M.
It could well be that dreaming is merely a dimensional shift from one reality to another. And this shift in realities are ongoing. Even when we are awake, we're shifting. However, consciousness shifting can be so subtle we ignore it while we are involved in this conscious world. But when we sleep, we are far more aware of these shifts in reality. That which is becomes heightened to our dreaming eye. It can be so vivid, this dream walking, that we run from it into that "reality" we are more than familiar with. I think it's better to develop the waking reality to the point that we consciously feel through our senses those shifts. Life is far more interesting if we feel it, see it all.
Thursday, February 25, 2o16
Up early this morning. Called David at 8:30. "You up?" He mumbles something which I take as "Yeah, I'm up." I'm staggering around the room with a dream hangover sloshing around inside the brain housing group. I think I was in Japan and I kept turning into a kite and gliding across Tokyo, a crowd of people gathered beneath me. "Yea!" they kept yelling. I was laughing but also frightened that Godzilla might sneak up on me and gobble me up. I love Godzilla when I'm awake, but while I'm asleep and dreaming? I fear him.
I get my pants on, throw a shirt on and brush my teeth (put in the false ones) just as David calls me on the phone, "I'm here." I grab my hat, the button down sweater my sister got me for Christmas. I love that sweater. I grab my scarf hanging on the doorknob and out the door I go.
We meet up with Hazel at The Diner. Smiles and hugs and more smiles and hugs then we sit down at a booth. I gotta take the inside track because David's got his cane and he's having some trouble today getting up after he sits. And we talk and we laugh and we take pictures. We have the waitress (who called me by name for the first time. Before, when I would get up in time to make it to the Diner, she'd always greet me with, "Hi, hon!") take our picture with Hazel's phone.
We didn't talk that much about the "old days" when the three of us hung out. Mostly, we listened to Hazel tell us about her life in Pittsburgh, her son, her new "friend," her dog who just died. Not that it was boring, but I found myself nodding off every now and then. I had maybe three hours sleep before I woke David up. "Let me get out, man." David moves slowly to let me out of the booth and I wondered off to find the restroom which is all the way in the back of the Diner. After my visit, I sat on one of the stools at the counter, close enough to listen to the deep conversation that Hazel and David were having. I also pulled out my camera and pop off a few pics.
After breakfast, we walked Hazel to her car. Don't know when we'll see her again. She was just in Oklahoma to do some family business in Lawton. But I hope it's soon. Even though me and the Haze have a had a few rough spots in our relationship, we still think of ourselves as good friends. The nice thing about getting old is that you can forgive and forget the stupidity of your youth. Yeah, it feels good to forget sometimes.
Saturday, February 27, 2o16
Quite the adventure yesterday! Yes, indeed! But I can't talk about it . . . right now. BUT I can say it involved a cardboard box, a wet alleyway and me being totally homeless for about forty-five
minutes or so. AND it wore me out so badly that I almost fell asleep while eating dinner at Cheddar's! AND then when I got home and tried to go to sleep? I found enough energy to stay up until
. . . well, I'm still not sleepy. But no worries. I put the coffee "up" for tomorrow morning and swallow a couple of sleeping pills. Now all I need to do is wait for them to kick in.
I enjoyed life today. Yeah, I know, I should enjoy it every minute of every day! Come on, let's be a bit realistic, shall we? Not every moment of a day IS enjoyable. Sometimes, my body hurts, you know, old aging aches and pains, and even worse, those aches and pains of the mind. Sometimes it's all that I can do to just get through the day. Not always, but sometimes. I knew a girl back in L.A. that seemed to always be happy. She was a sweet kid, sure. But you know? I don't completely trust anybody who is ALWAYS happy because life isn't always as pleasant a thing as we might like it to be.
9:01 p.m.
Welllll! David and me have got to start timing our shared Alzheimer's because we can't both have a memory lapse at the same time. Hell, we'll windup stranded in Walmart with no recollection as to where we are or how we even got there in the first place.
Hillary slayed it in South Carolina, 73.5% to Bernie's 26%. A lot of young, very enthusiastic Bernie supports are grieving. But don't lose faith, young brothers and sisters, there's still plenty of work to be done. If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, the fight for economic justice still goes on. Take a rest if you like but get back to the task at hand.
I'm writing short pieces for the blog today. Well, actually, I've been short the whole week. It's good to focus on small, short thoughts instead of trying to cram into one entry my entire sad life. Hee! No, I'm not going there, dear reader. Yes, I'm feeling a bit anemic in the hopeful heart area . . . but no perspiration. It's just a few vultures circling my spirit. A few drops of memory spilling out across the desert that my mind has become. I'm all right and plan to stay that way. {smiles}
Sunday, February 28, 2o16
Oscars tonight. I'm rooting for the movie Brooklyn to take home Best Picture! It's like 400 to 1 odds that it will win. It is the BEST movie of the year (that was nominated) in my opinion. And because it is Oscar night, I will probably cut this "entrée" a little short. Sorry if this throws off your reader's appetite. But no worries. I'll come up with a fantastic dessert served to you tomorrow, the last day of this wonderful February.
5:13 pm
I should finish my Top Ten Movie List for 2o15 and go on to writing reviews about the two 2o16 movies I just saw, Deadpool and Hail, Caesar. But the right side and the left side of my thought factory are fighting. The right, of course, wants to create while the left, of course, would rather sit on the couch and watch the national news reports. I'm afraid that my "logical" side with its logical excuse, "Hey, you're tired, you should rest," has won the day. Maybe later on tonight, I'll feel more like writing. I hope so. {yawn}
Tuesday, February 23, 2o16 3:23 P.M.
It could well be that dreaming is merely a dimensional shift from one reality to another. And this shift in realities are ongoing. Even when we are awake, we're shifting. However, consciousness shifting can be so subtle we ignore it while we are involved in this conscious world. But when we sleep, we are far more aware of these shifts in reality. That which is becomes heightened to our dreaming eye. It can be so vivid, this dream walking, that we run from it into that "reality" we are more than familiar with. I think it's better to develop the waking reality to the point that we consciously feel through our senses those shifts. Life is far more interesting if we feel it, see it all.
Thursday, February 25, 2o16
Up early this morning. Called David at 8:30. "You up?" He mumbles something which I take as "Yeah, I'm up." I'm staggering around the room with a dream hangover sloshing around inside the brain housing group. I think I was in Japan and I kept turning into a kite and gliding across Tokyo, a crowd of people gathered beneath me. "Yea!" they kept yelling. I was laughing but also frightened that Godzilla might sneak up on me and gobble me up. I love Godzilla when I'm awake, but while I'm asleep and dreaming? I fear him.
I get my pants on, throw a shirt on and brush my teeth (put in the false ones) just as David calls me on the phone, "I'm here." I grab my hat, the button down sweater my sister got me for Christmas. I love that sweater. I grab my scarf hanging on the doorknob and out the door I go.
We meet up with Hazel at The Diner. Smiles and hugs and more smiles and hugs then we sit down at a booth. I gotta take the inside track because David's got his cane and he's having some trouble today getting up after he sits. And we talk and we laugh and we take pictures. We have the waitress (who called me by name for the first time. Before, when I would get up in time to make it to the Diner, she'd always greet me with, "Hi, hon!") take our picture with Hazel's phone.
We didn't talk that much about the "old days" when the three of us hung out. Mostly, we listened to Hazel tell us about her life in Pittsburgh, her son, her new "friend," her dog who just died. Not that it was boring, but I found myself nodding off every now and then. I had maybe three hours sleep before I woke David up. "Let me get out, man." David moves slowly to let me out of the booth and I wondered off to find the restroom which is all the way in the back of the Diner. After my visit, I sat on one of the stools at the counter, close enough to listen to the deep conversation that Hazel and David were having. I also pulled out my camera and pop off a few pics.
After breakfast, we walked Hazel to her car. Don't know when we'll see her again. She was just in Oklahoma to do some family business in Lawton. But I hope it's soon. Even though me and the Haze have a had a few rough spots in our relationship, we still think of ourselves as good friends. The nice thing about getting old is that you can forgive and forget the stupidity of your youth. Yeah, it feels good to forget sometimes.
Quite the adventure yesterday! Yes, indeed! But I can't talk about it . . . right now. BUT I can say it involved a cardboard box, a wet alleyway and me being totally homeless for about forty-five

. . . well, I'm still not sleepy. But no worries. I put the coffee "up" for tomorrow morning and swallow a couple of sleeping pills. Now all I need to do is wait for them to kick in.
I enjoyed life today. Yeah, I know, I should enjoy it every minute of every day! Come on, let's be a bit realistic, shall we? Not every moment of a day IS enjoyable. Sometimes, my body hurts, you know, old aging aches and pains, and even worse, those aches and pains of the mind. Sometimes it's all that I can do to just get through the day. Not always, but sometimes. I knew a girl back in L.A. that seemed to always be happy. She was a sweet kid, sure. But you know? I don't completely trust anybody who is ALWAYS happy because life isn't always as pleasant a thing as we might like it to be.
Welllll! David and me have got to start timing our shared Alzheimer's because we can't both have a memory lapse at the same time. Hell, we'll windup stranded in Walmart with no recollection as to where we are or how we even got there in the first place.
Hillary slayed it in South Carolina, 73.5% to Bernie's 26%. A lot of young, very enthusiastic Bernie supports are grieving. But don't lose faith, young brothers and sisters, there's still plenty of work to be done. If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, the fight for economic justice still goes on. Take a rest if you like but get back to the task at hand.
I'm writing short pieces for the blog today. Well, actually, I've been short the whole week. It's good to focus on small, short thoughts instead of trying to cram into one entry my entire sad life. Hee! No, I'm not going there, dear reader. Yes, I'm feeling a bit anemic in the hopeful heart area . . . but no perspiration. It's just a few vultures circling my spirit. A few drops of memory spilling out across the desert that my mind has become. I'm all right and plan to stay that way. {smiles}
Sunday, February 28, 2o16
Oscars tonight. I'm rooting for the movie Brooklyn to take home Best Picture! It's like 400 to 1 odds that it will win. It is the BEST movie of the year (that was nominated) in my opinion. And because it is Oscar night, I will probably cut this "entrée" a little short. Sorry if this throws off your reader's appetite. But no worries. I'll come up with a fantastic dessert served to you tomorrow, the last day of this wonderful February.