Friday, October o2, 2015 4am
It's late or early. It really depends on your point of few. From where I sit it's late. October started off joyously for me. I mean, it's fall and Halloween is in the air. But something happened on the first day of October that sort of knocked the crap out of any holiday cheer I may have had. I'll write about it tomorrow . . . or actually, later on today. {smiles}
Yesterday, waking up about 10:30 or so, turned on the computer, poured coffee and sat down to watch a little morning news . . . and there it was . . . . another school shooting. Another small, out of the way town this time in Oregon. The target this time Umpqua Community College. Some punk ass in a flak jacket, equipped with some kind of assault rifle and a handgun . . . and a shit load of ammo walks into one of the many buildings. I'm guessing he starts asking students he runs into in the hallway, "Are you Christian?" If the answer was no, he'd shoot the student in the leg. If the answer was yes, BAM! A shot to the head. This goes on awhile until a SWAT team shows up more heavily armed than the punk and . . . BAM! He's done. I don't think they asked him if he was Christian or not.
And then the circus begins. MSNBC is already allover the story, local news station helicopters are in the air, but the police are tight lipped about everything: how many dead, how many wounded? In Particular, the beefy Highway Patrol captain didn't want to talk about the shooter. "I will at no time mention the killer's name. I don't want any attention paid to him, news people, I don't want some other nut out there to get any ideas." I listened to this guy and I'm thinking . . . he's watched way too many Harry Potter movies, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."
But MSNBC doesn't care about any of this nonsense. They have a job to do. Soon the broadcast room is filled with experts of all kind saying the usual bullshit, "He was obviously a disturbed young fellow." "This is the NRA's fault! We need better gun control laws!" "No, we need LESS laws and more GUNS!" I sort of give up on it. And President Obama seems to be of like mind. He does make a statement, but it's mostly, "What the hell you want me to do about it? I can't do anything." He does say more than that . . . but pretty much that's what he meant. I think he was as frustrated with the whole situation as I was.
Saturday, October o3, 2o15
Sinus flair up. A frigging explosion in my nasal cavity. Can't breath through my nose, last night couldn't sleep the pain was so thick. A giant snail crawling up into my left nostril. And on top of the infection,, just a angry day for me. These Mass Murders really get to me. And the response by public officials, "stuff happens." "Nothing we can do about it." Oh, my favorite quotes comes from Rubio, "Gun laws would be a waste of time because criminals don't pay attention to laws that's what makes them criminals." I do not know how anyone with a bit of conscious, patriotism could ever vote for any of these guys.
One last post on this subject:
Sunday, October o4, 2o15
Took the day to get this stuff out of my head. To tell you the truth, it's not all gone yet. Man, I get all wrapped up in knots thinking about these "things." But I nice bike ride this afternoon, lunch at the Garage by myself, and stopping now and then to take a few pics helped purge me of these obsessive thoughts.
I love Norman-town on a Sunday afternoon. So quiet, peaceful on Main St. hardly a person out and about, just me and my many reflections in the shop windows . . . most of them closed. Old town Norman, no work on a Sunday.
But a few places are open and I stop for awhile, walk through the bars and antique shops that I find open for business. So many things to see, downtown. I walk pushing my bike along (need to get some air in the back tire) saying hi to the few people out and about. And then it's time to go home . . .
well not quite. I decide to go down to The Corner for a milkshake. Some old guy in a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt and his buddies stop me. "You takin' pictures? You should get a couple of that flower car." I look where is pointing and, yes, thee is a little car (don't know the make) covered in flowers! Someone did a hell of a retro paint job on it. Jimi Hendrix t-shirt, flowerchild painting . . . for a moment I thought I was . . . back in the day! Didn't take a picture of the car. It disappeared down the street too fast. I did get this pic on the left of a motorcyclist leaving the Starbucks . . . I finished my shake and headed home. It was a good day. I almost forgot the horror of Umpqua. But not all of it. So, no smiles today. Maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, October o7, 2o15
Last day in the week. I didn't write a much as I wanted to write on the blog this week. I'm guessing I didn't want to go on anymore than I did about the Oregon murders. Okay, I DID go on about Mass Murder much to
all my friends' regret. It hit me hard, jumped into my head and just wouldn't come out except onto the page or in memes and cartoons.
Up all night . . . again. I'm sure the sunlight will wear out my eyes before too long. I hope not, though. I don't want to sleep. I wanna write all day, and all night. But that's not going to happen. I'll run out of words soon. I can already feel my brain shutting down, deflating like the tires on my bike. I need to take it out for some air. My bike. But I won't.
David got back yesterday. We're thinking about going to a movie today. But pretty much I don't think I'll be awake! It's getting hard not to just stop right now and go sleepy bye. In fact, I think I well. Goodnight, good morning, good afternoon, dear reader. Time to pay the dream-keeper. {smiles}
It's late or early. It really depends on your point of few. From where I sit it's late. October started off joyously for me. I mean, it's fall and Halloween is in the air. But something happened on the first day of October that sort of knocked the crap out of any holiday cheer I may have had. I'll write about it tomorrow . . . or actually, later on today. {smiles}
Yesterday, waking up about 10:30 or so, turned on the computer, poured coffee and sat down to watch a little morning news . . . and there it was . . . . another school shooting. Another small, out of the way town this time in Oregon. The target this time Umpqua Community College. Some punk ass in a flak jacket, equipped with some kind of assault rifle and a handgun . . . and a shit load of ammo walks into one of the many buildings. I'm guessing he starts asking students he runs into in the hallway, "Are you Christian?" If the answer was no, he'd shoot the student in the leg. If the answer was yes, BAM! A shot to the head. This goes on awhile until a SWAT team shows up more heavily armed than the punk and . . . BAM! He's done. I don't think they asked him if he was Christian or not.
And then the circus begins. MSNBC is already allover the story, local news station helicopters are in the air, but the police are tight lipped about everything: how many dead, how many wounded? In Particular, the beefy Highway Patrol captain didn't want to talk about the shooter. "I will at no time mention the killer's name. I don't want any attention paid to him, news people, I don't want some other nut out there to get any ideas." I listened to this guy and I'm thinking . . . he's watched way too many Harry Potter movies, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."
But MSNBC doesn't care about any of this nonsense. They have a job to do. Soon the broadcast room is filled with experts of all kind saying the usual bullshit, "He was obviously a disturbed young fellow." "This is the NRA's fault! We need better gun control laws!" "No, we need LESS laws and more GUNS!" I sort of give up on it. And President Obama seems to be of like mind. He does make a statement, but it's mostly, "What the hell you want me to do about it? I can't do anything." He does say more than that . . . but pretty much that's what he meant. I think he was as frustrated with the whole situation as I was.
Saturday, October o3, 2o15
Sinus flair up. A frigging explosion in my nasal cavity. Can't breath through my nose, last night couldn't sleep the pain was so thick. A giant snail crawling up into my left nostril. And on top of the infection,, just a angry day for me. These Mass Murders really get to me. And the response by public officials, "stuff happens." "Nothing we can do about it." Oh, my favorite quotes comes from Rubio, "Gun laws would be a waste of time because criminals don't pay attention to laws that's what makes them criminals." I do not know how anyone with a bit of conscious, patriotism could ever vote for any of these guys.
One last post on this subject:

Took the day to get this stuff out of my head. To tell you the truth, it's not all gone yet. Man, I get all wrapped up in knots thinking about these "things." But I nice bike ride this afternoon, lunch at the Garage by myself, and stopping now and then to take a few pics helped purge me of these obsessive thoughts.
I love Norman-town on a Sunday afternoon. So quiet, peaceful on Main St. hardly a person out and about, just me and my many reflections in the shop windows . . . most of them closed. Old town Norman, no work on a Sunday.
But a few places are open and I stop for awhile, walk through the bars and antique shops that I find open for business. So many things to see, downtown. I walk pushing my bike along (need to get some air in the back tire) saying hi to the few people out and about. And then it's time to go home . . .
well not quite. I decide to go down to The Corner for a milkshake. Some old guy in a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt and his buddies stop me. "You takin' pictures? You should get a couple of that flower car." I look where is pointing and, yes, thee is a little car (don't know the make) covered in flowers! Someone did a hell of a retro paint job on it. Jimi Hendrix t-shirt, flowerchild painting . . . for a moment I thought I was . . . back in the day! Didn't take a picture of the car. It disappeared down the street too fast. I did get this pic on the left of a motorcyclist leaving the Starbucks . . . I finished my shake and headed home. It was a good day. I almost forgot the horror of Umpqua. But not all of it. So, no smiles today. Maybe tomorrow.
Wednesday, October o7, 2o15
Last day in the week. I didn't write a much as I wanted to write on the blog this week. I'm guessing I didn't want to go on anymore than I did about the Oregon murders. Okay, I DID go on about Mass Murder much to
all my friends' regret. It hit me hard, jumped into my head and just wouldn't come out except onto the page or in memes and cartoons.
Up all night . . . again. I'm sure the sunlight will wear out my eyes before too long. I hope not, though. I don't want to sleep. I wanna write all day, and all night. But that's not going to happen. I'll run out of words soon. I can already feel my brain shutting down, deflating like the tires on my bike. I need to take it out for some air. My bike. But I won't.
David got back yesterday. We're thinking about going to a movie today. But pretty much I don't think I'll be awake! It's getting hard not to just stop right now and go sleepy bye. In fact, I think I well. Goodnight, good morning, good afternoon, dear reader. Time to pay the dream-keeper. {smiles}
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