The Daily (W)Rite
wk o2
Okay, 2.4 mile trip from my apartment to Walmart on my mountain bike. Total trip: 4.8 miles. Going up was pretty much gravy. However, round trip really broke me. Legs and back just aching, and my lungs? Damn, Couldn't catch a breath. I had to stop and suck down some inhaler for my COPD. Made it home and it got even worse with a major headache and my teeth throbbing! I know, I should have never smoked cigarettes. People kept telling me I would regret that three pack a day habit I started back when I twelve, but . . . I loved it too much. Smoking, cigarettes, sometimes the only friend I had. people leave, but cigarettes were always there . . . well, as long as I could afford them. Anyway, I've got to start exercising more. I can't get rid of COPD, no cure, but I sure as hell can do better than I did today on the bike.Monday, April 13, 2015
Sorry. I didn't write everyday as I promised. I fell off the sanity mountain bike on Friday. I've been creatively and emotionally indisposed. If you follow my "dairy," you know I suffer from a self-imposed head trip I've recently, and with great joy, dubbed PTLD (Post-Traumatic Life Disorder). Cute, isn't? Hell yeah! I'm not going to settle for some run-of-the-mill name for my mental health crisis (bipolar, manic depression . . . blah!). I'm special, therefore, my wacky brain activity (whn it kicks into gear) should have a special name! I was thinking of calling it just BOBS (Back Off Bitch Syndrome), or NMA (Ninja Memory Attack) because it always seems to sneak up on me. But those are just too sophomoric for such a serious, personal mind fucker. You know, I may talk about this later on. Or maybe not. Just know I'm fine and I plan to get back to my work here on The Daily (W)Rite. {survivor smile}
Last Friday went out for Art walk with David, Kathy and Chris. Wonderfully semi-warm night in Oklahoma just enough southern breeze to keep us comfortable. AND there were a hell of a lot of US out there. Never seen the AW so crowded. Of course, I took a lot of pics of the people we'd passed along the way. AND I bought some art! yeah, some art from this kid who just moved to Norman Town from Lawton and man, I really was digging on her art. What an eye this kid has and her skills are really sharp . . . AnnnnnnD her art was way cheap! I think maybe too cheap. But she's new to the area and I'm guessing she just wants to get it out their for people to see. Pretty sure her larger art pieces (top of this paragraph) goes for a lot more than the smaller ones. She sold me one of the smaller paintings for $2o! Wow! A bargain. Okay, I'm officially a Manda Shae Dickinson groupie!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I saw a Brian Grazer interview this morning about his new book, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life, and got all into his personal philosophy about "how to live." Of course, you gotta take it with a grain of alcohol any time someone's starts to tell you HOW YOU should live or not live out your existence on this three-dimensional clusterfuck. Hey! Don't get all friggin' offended by the word "clusterfuck. It is an actual WORD!
noun: clusterfuck; plural noun: clusterfucks;
cluster-fuck: a disastrously mishandled situation or undertaking.
Anyway, what he said made creative sense to me, and seemed pretty straightforward, no hoo-doo, no fifty Hail Mary's and "I'll call you in the morning." No, he just suggested that his life was "better" more creative because he was taught early on to be curious, to ask questions about other people. If you just get to know people, then maybe in doing so you learn something new. He said that he made it his business to talk to someone who worked outside of "show business" every two weeks just to acquire more knowledge about the person, about his/her job! That's a sound philosophy, I'm thinking. I mean, I spend way too much time thinking about myself, my stupid, little life and all the garbage memories stuck inside my head. Maybe it's a good idea to not keep soul searching there for "the answer." Maybe I'll learn more if I listen and concentrate on really knowing the "others" who also populate this spinning piece of scenery.
I'll leave off this philosophical soul-search of mine with A few memorable lines lines from Beckett's Endgame:
HAMM: What's happening?
CLOV: Something is taking its course. (Pause.)
CLOV: Something is taking its course. (Pause.)
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