Happy New Year
Wednesday, January o1, 2o14
Sorry. Been away a while. wasn't much for writing much of anything for the last two months. Did dabble with a few poems, not much, I haven't posted them on my poetry blog . . . yet. BUT I'm changing all that today. Today, I made the decision to get down to writing ALL the time: on this blog, my poetry, and I'm going to start rehearsing for poetry readings that are coming up. Yeah, I have said all this before. It's a ritual I go through to cleanse myself of all the broken promises I have made about "really" working at being a writer. Perhaps I'll be true to my word this time . . . perhaps.
Did make a few New Year Resolutions. Yeah, I know, everybody makes them and everybody breaks them. Why bother, right? Well, it's a good thing to do, to take stock of what and where you stand in the universe. And if you see some things you'd like to change about yourself, why not try? At least you recognize that you have faults . . . that's a good start to self-awareness. Here's the ones I came up with when asked on Facebook:
1. Stop smoking- yeah, I picked it up again. Been smoking the last two weeks.
Smoked my last one last night at 11:55 PM.
2. Stop being mean to folks- again, yeah. I get too fired up over things. I'm always arguing
with folks on the Facebook or in person.
3. Workout- I weigh 190 lbs. That's way too much for me. I want to lose at least forty
of that.
4. Write- that's the big thing. I want to write, write, write! Do it professionally.
So, this is the start of a new life. Lets hope it takes. happy New Year, all.

Spent most of today reading a poet that I just recently discovered, Theodore Roethke. he was one hell of a writer that didn't get a LOT of recognition . . . Well, he did when a lot of prestigious awards, but for the most part must of us "laymen" wouldn't know WHO he was. I just happen to read a poetry structure book and he had a poem in it that . . . well, floored me. He is definitely a "better" writer than I am, but he sure writes about what I write about. It's funny how art can get lost shoved aside. I got this site that where you can read his work. It also has a brief bio on him. http://www.poemhunter.com/theodore-roethke/poems/
Saturday, January o4,2o14
Spent all day in bed. Sick, so very damn sick, Super sick. Sinuses acting up so bad it hurt to
just breath. I was caught between needing to sleep and not being able to close my eyes without the pain (in my nose!) waking me up. So, I got a total of 2 hours sleep last night. Now I'm just
running on mind fumes. Actually, the sinus infection started about two weeks ago. But I forced myself to go to the doctors. Didn't want to go because I'm always low on money (yes, that's right, I'm on Social Security, I'm one of the "takers."). The pleasant surprise about going to the doctors? Medicare picked up the office call cost AND a big chunk of prescription cost ( I paid out of pocket $4.25). The medication worked really well. My sinuses were all swollen and after about two weeks they wee back to normal . . . then I got sick with the crud of some kind. My nose started running a snot marathon, me head began to ache . . . a toothpick through the frontal lobe kind of ache. So, in bed yesterday and all today, and if I'm lucky, I'm not going to relapse.
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