The Daily (W) Rite
Wk o3
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The alley, fastest way to get to Boyd from my house. I'm up for it, the bike is up for it . . . AND we get there and have to wait for a break in the game day traffic. Some lady in a Bronco trying to make a left hand turn is yelling at me. I can't hear, I put my hand to my ear, shake my head, shrug. Doesn't she read sign? She finally gets across the street and stops next to me. There's a smiling guy next to her in the passenger seat."Are you Superman," I don't quite realize that she's drunk.
"Not today."
"Well, I lost my virginity, can you find it?"
I don't even remember what I said to that. I know I didn't have a a witty response. I just rode away. I don't know why people feel the need to bother me with their nonsense . . . I don't know why it bothers me so much.
The Diner was open on Art Walk night. Quite a treat. It's usually only open from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Had a Swiss & Mushroom burger. Best burger in town. And I let Amy (owner and cook) know how much I liked it . . . "THIS IS THE BEST BUrGER IN THE WHOLE WORLD!" I sometimes get too loud. I sort of stopped time with that obnoxious phrase . . . everyone stopped eating, looked at me . . . frozen in space.
I walked around the ART Walk . . . not very long . . . no picture taking . . . didn't even stop to ask about me performing sometime. Again, why? Why was I so depressed and . . scared. I know why, 'cause this was the place I've lived for a long time, this was, is home and it treats me like a stranger, like I never existed before this moment, this night. Fuck.
I've been up since 10 AM Friday morning. I tried to sleep for a few hours but no doing.
So, here I am, in the alleyway behind my apartment. I got my parking rent sign ($20) propped up on my water jug, a nice comfortable chair to sit on . . . not too comfortable, I hope. I can't fall asleep. I got responsibilities this game day: show the fans where to park, collect their $20. And the first one drives up. Two guys. One driving has a bald head and one of those Neo-Nazi, scraggly goatees. "You, Woodie?" I say yes, hoping that this is just parking and not a hit. They park, I get their twenty, take that to the guy up front whose sending the cars down the alley to me. Finally, I'm done parking. I go inside my apartment, take off my clothes, crawl onto the couch with my blanket . . . and no go.
No sleep until1 AM Sunday morning. Thirty-nine hours before I get to sleep.
Monday, September 16, 2o13

A lot of heartbreak in the world today. Syria, another mass shooting today. You know what? I can't worry about it. Nothing I can do. If there were, I would do something. But getting upset about it doesn't help so . . . to hell with it. I can't do much about the world. I can, however, do the best to make my little part of the planet a better place to live.
Tuesday, September 16, 2o13
A playful day today. A trip to the Braum's ice cream shop. Mmmm, ice cream. Yes, I'm fat
and I shouldn't eat a Sundae with two scoops of ice cream (peppermint and coffee chocolate) and hot fudge, and nuts and whipped cream . . . I shouldn't. But what the hell. Only once a week I do this.
A lazy night too due mostly to the ice cream. Tomorrow though I get ready to read some poetry! Yes, that's right. I am going to do it. No matter what. There's an open mic on Monday night at a local coffee house . . . Yeah! A coffee house. No backing out this time. Tomorrow I pick the poems, get them printed out and start rehearsing my ass off! Oh, this pic was developed originally on Photoshop around 2oo9 or so. I always loved it. Pretty creepy and yes, it is me!
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