The Daily (W) Rite
Wk 3
Thursday, August 15, 2o13So, Thursday's here! We don't really celebrate or consider Thursday much. Every other day of the week we have some kind of feeling about, but Thursday? Don't tell anyone... but I like Thursday because it IS that sort of "throw away" day. Thursdays are good days to do laundry... go to the grocery store... maybe clean house. Thursday is a preparation day. "What am I going to do this weekend?" I have a whole day to think about it... most theatre advertise the movies opening on Friday on Thursday. Good time to call people, "Hey, what are you doing this weekend? Nothing? Well, do you want to go see Kick Ass 2 with me?" Thursday is also a very good day to do new animation for my blog (see above), and for writing poetry and catching up on other people's poetry too. AND it's also a day to start contemplating how you're going to change your life, make said life more exciting! You don't ever start a new life on Thursday, no, no. You just think about. If you decide to dramatically change your life, you have all weekend to work it out so you can make the change happen on Monday... Monday is the best day to be reborn... Die (metaphorically) on Sunday and... rise on Monday... a new man.
Saturday, August 17, 2o13
Okay, I'm stalling, damn it. I said I'd write everyday... and of course I don't. Not the blog anyway. So, maybe no one will actually want to read these little bits of thought I write down... and maybe I don't really have anything worth talking about... AND maybe I just don't have the skill and the genetic make-up to be interesting and exciting enough on the page. Well, fuck that! I don't care.
Racism has been in the news a lot lately. A lot of the pundits are on air trying to prove they are NOT racist... and all they prove is that they are racist. It's really not hard to figure out if you're a racist or not... do you lump everybody together based on myths about the color of their skin or genetic make-up? If yes, you're a racist. If not... congrats! You're a Liberal. Pretty easy to figure out.
Oh, did I have big plans for today! Was gonna wake up early (8:00 am) and get myself all ready to go see Kick Ass 2 at 1:30 pm today. BUT I had to stay up until 2:30 am to finish watching the Da Vinci's Inquest. Okay, no problem, I'll just set the alarm for 8:30 am. I do, and I go to bed at 2:34 am and I lay there for an hour... itching like crazy... Okay, so I get up at 3 am and write awhile... and then it's 5 in the morning and I finally get to sleep... and wake up at 2 pm! Damn. Well, better luck tomorrow.
I guess we all want to be profound... no, not want to be profound... we just want others to think that we are profound. Big difference. That's me, really. I just want to be liked and thought of as having something worthwhile to say. Something pretty to say, poetic, meaningful. Yeah, well, good luck with that one too.
Sunday, August 18, 2o13
Spending a bit of the afternoon reading the New Testament. I don't read it enough. I need to stop thinking so much about my life here on Earth and focus on my soul a bit. By doing that I think this "earthly life" will be a bit better. Belief is a funny thing. A lot of times we humans wind-up doing that which goes against what we try to believe in. I want to be a follower of Christ, I truly do, but I often find myself more involved with doing bad things to myself and others rather than acting the way Christ suggests we act in "this world." The disciple Paul says something like, " I know what I should do... yet, I don't do it. " I'm paraphrasing, but that's petty much me. I know how I should think and act... but I don't. Lots for me to learn. I'll get back to you later on today.
Monday, August 19, 2o13
David and I went to see The Butler yesterday afternoon and it was really good. Even though I was around for the Freedom Riders I really didn't know much about them other than they fought nonviolently against the South's Jim Crow laws. And it was brutal. The movie shows the horror of the time very well. Sometimes we live in times important and never actually know how important they were. I want to change that about myself. I want to be more aware about my life on this Earth, in this town that I live in. I spend too much time inside my head and not enough time looking out at who and what is around me. Maybe that's what I should write about. Less about me directly and more about life that's flowing all about me. I need to look, explore more this world.
Tuesday, August 2o, 2o13

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