Monday, July 22, 2013

July, 2o13 The New Daily (W)Rite Wk4

The Daily (W)Rite

Monday, July 22, 2o13
   Yep! The beginning of the last week in July. And as far as weather goes not a bad July for Oklahoma. Warm? Yeah, at times. At least enough to get me a good sweat on when I'm riding my bicycle. BUT there was a LOT of rain and 70 degree weather for Oklahoma... not normal for this time of year! We can only hope August follows July's lead and gives us few cooler days. But I wouldn't count on it.

   I've been writing a lot of poetry lately. A lot of it was inspired by what's going on in the news, particularly news worthy events in America.  Yes, the world interests me., but I tend be moved more (poetically) by what goes on in my country, what directly effects me as an old Marine living in Norman, OK. Once in a great while I venture out into international, poetic waters. But mostly I write about my personal life... my love life... the absence of a love life.  Am I any good as a poet? Don't know, don't care. I got a few followers on Facebook who seem to like my work. When I do write about politics, my work gets a lot of "shares" by those folks who agree with my political point of view. Lately, I've been diving into these "Anti-Zen" quotes. All of it original work based on little sayings that people keep posting to me, things like, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." or "Think positive!" I really hate those kind of posts. So, I create my own picture with a philosophical statement that might say something like, "What doesn't kill you makes you wish you were dead." or "I think positive. I'm positive things will get worse!" Sort of fun stabs at my friends. Here's a couple I'm rather proud of:

 These get a few hits every now and then. I like writing. But I can't always write LONG poems. Sometimes an idea is only a couple of lines; a couple of lines can be powerful. The "artwork" counts for part of the response I get with these short jabs. I call it artwork because... well, I don't know what else to call it. Most of the pictures I take myself (not the ice cream one), and then I play with them a bit on a photo editing site. Mostly I use BeFunky. Good site. You should try it out sometime.

 Tuesday, July 23, 2o13
    I don't know if I should be happy or sad 'cause I don't really care about being 65 years old without a girlfriend or family or friends... and I really don't seem to mind that I'll get even older and that none of the above will ever change. I'll sit here, write on the blog, maybe put down a poem or two, go out for groceries and came back home to the same old, same old. When I was in my 20's and 30's I feared the idea of becoming this lonely old man sitting around all day in his underwear, talking to himself or yelling at the TV... It frightened me so much I took to going out for a drink and staying out at some bar until they threw me out. I hated the idea of being alone... old and alone. But now? Now I don't mind it so much. In fact... I kind of like it. Truth be told... I don't have a desire for face to face time with people these days. I'd rather deal with them on Facebook, or communicate with them on my blog... AND I don't know how I should I feel about that. Should I be sad because it seems like I've lost my need to be intimate with people... lost my humanity, so to speak...? No. If I NEED to be sad, I should feel sad because...  I don't care one way or the other.  Alone, not alone. Anymore... I don't give a damn.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
   I know. I've been away for almost a week! Sorry. Got busy working on the poetry. That is my main focus after all. However, I won't deny that after my last rant which was a bit too "poor me" oriented I decided to take a break from writing on my journal blog. I get into these fits of self pity a lot, and I have no qualms about moaning about my sad, little life. After all, that's what a "diary" is suppose to be for, right?
  Well, the Right is furious because President Obama said something about the Zimmerman verdict. Bill O'Reilly and the other pundits of the Right are making sure everyone knows that "black" murders out number  "white" murders by at least 10 to 1.  And what little research I've done so far says that the statistics might be right... or wrong. It's hard to tell because statistics can be manipulated to mean whatever you want them to mean. And I'm not sure if statistics matter much to people who are murdered. That's to say, I don't think people really care WHO they are murdered by. I know I would be as equally pissed off to be killed by a "white" guy as I would if I was killed by a "black" guy. Now maybe there are a few people who hope to be murdered, and maybe they hope to be murdered ONLY by a criminal of a particular race. But I couldn't find any statistics on that. I'll keep looking. BUT my personal experience with "almost" being murdered is the only statistical information I trust. AND according to that information I would have to say "white" folk are scarier than "black" folk. Twice in my life I've had someone try to kill me (not counting Vietnam), and twice the persons trying to kill me were... yep... "white." Maybe I'll talk about this later on. 


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