Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Daily (W)Rite November WK 4

The Daily (W)Rite
wk o4
I just had to laugh and get a picture of this sign on The Earth's front door. What is "The Earth" you may ask, and I might answer your question with  something like: "The Earth is one of those health food stores with lots of exotic vitamins, "organically" grown food (I think), a bakery, hot "organically" grown coffee (probably not), and,oh, yeah, it's also a restaurant of some kind. It must be sort of like my mom's kitchen . . . if you cut out all the bad things mother use to put in our food to make it taste . . . good."{smile}

Okay, I'm taking a break from my wicked thoughts to concentrate on the earthquake I'm experiencing . . . Phew! Glad that's over. I'm telling you, I have experienced more earthquakes in the three years I've been back in Oklahoma than I ever experienced in the twenty-five years I lived in L.A. Okay, the quakes are taking a break. Back to my original story:

Forget what I said above about The Earth being sort of pretentious. I was just trying to be funny. It's actually a very nice, homey sort of breakfast/lunch place, and the food IS really great. But as I said above, I did have a good laugh at the door sign:{heart}Please, NO SMOKING W/in 100 feet of The Earth {heart}

I admit it. I was confused for a second. Was the sign talking about The Earth restaurant/organic grocery store, or did the sign pertain to THE Earth! If it was the former they were talking about, I can understand the concern and have no qualms about abiding by the owner's wishes. However, if they meant (and remember this is a nature loving, free Willie, type of place so this isn't that big a stretch) the latter . . .  well, I have a few question about that.

1. Do you mean if I want to smoke I have to hover 100 feet OFF the ground to do it?
2. Or do you mean by "THE Earth," you meant that also includes THE Earth's breathable atmosphere?
3. Are you saying that the only place I can smoke (in your opinion) is in outer space?{heart}

I don't smoke anymore. But I did find this sign a bit funny and a bit pompous. I know, how bad smoking is for the smoker AND the nonsmoker. However, it's not against the law to buy cigarettes, why should it be against the law to "smoke 'em if you got 'em"?{heart}




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