Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Daily (W)Rite October Wk 4

The Daily (W)Rite (wk4)
Thursday, October 23, 2o14
I 've been sick this last two weeks. I had a really bad case of that "thing" you get if you have ever had the chicken pox! In the last ten years, the drug companies have been trying to scare me into getting a shot for the "thing." "Get the shot for the 'thing,' old people 'cause if you don't you'll be really sorry." Well, $200 for the shot for the "thing" was  too much, and my Marine Corps pride wasn't gonna take any crap from the fear mongering pharmaceutical companies. Hell, I've been through a war, so bring it on! And about two weeks ago I got the "thing" and it truly did make me feel very sorry for NOT doing what I was told to do and getting that "thing" shot! The meds are very strong. Not sure what all of it is: steroids, pain pills (60 of those, thank God!), antibiotics and something that makes the prescription bottle warn the user to: "use sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent sunburns." I'm guessing it must be vampire blood, you know, like on True Blood? Anyway, the meds are kicking my ass almost as much as the "thing."  I'm sure I'm getting better, but it's taking a long time. I'm extremely tired and depressed most days. Don't want to do anything, no writing or even going out. I really, really wish I had gotten that shot ten years ago.

Friday, October 24, 2o14 (2:o2 am)

The world is crazy. I'm crazy. I don't trust anyone who thinks they and they alone are sane. We had a surprise Art Walk last Tuesday. David and I were really up for going to it. And we did even though I was feeling pharmaceutically vegetablelized (if there is such a word)! We go, as we always do, to the big art gallery, the one where our sheik art loving
community goes to drink cheap Chablis out of clear plastic cups and nibble at  cheese and crackers and talk and basically make sure everybody else knows that they are there . . . and there is my past obsession, dressed like an Okie version of a  French  runway model, and I try to get away before she sees me--"Oh, Woodie, look who it IS!" David screams across the room. What to do? Neither of us wants see the other let alone talk to each other. But I come over and she gives me a big, fake smile of "happy to see you," and an artificial hug . . . and I say nothing and walk out on the street to take some pictures.

We go down, David and me, to this new gallery that just opened their doors. I start taking pics of the paintings and other things . . . "Excuse me?" she says, "Are you with a paper?" "No, I just take--" "Oh, well you can't take pictures in here, we want to keep the integrity of the artist's work intact, you know?" Truth be told, I had know idea what the fuck this little curator from hell meant, but I put my camera down to my side and walked out of her crummy little gallery!

Between the medication, seeing my ex-obsession and the bitchy curator . . . I lost it. All of it was just too much. I think I sat on a bench and cried a bit. Sometimes I'm just too fragile for this world. Fuck! To fragile to live in Norman Town? But where else could I possibly live?

Saturday, October 26, 2o14 (12:32 AM)

I turned off the TV. Nothing on worth watching right now. I wanna just spend the "witching hour" writing a bit here.

Halloween is on it's way. Been getting into the spirit of it by doing a
Halloween Count Down on my Facebook account. A few of the pics I've turned ghoulish are rather PG. But most are a little, hmmm, how should I say it, Halloween nasty! Wooohahahahahahaa! I can't help it! Halloween is my favorite time of year. Love the monsters, those things that go bump in the night. I take all my own pictures and work on them online. A lot of them are "selfies" that I've taken over the years. I spent a good four hours working on the pic on the left. Takes a lot of time and I don't always get what I want using one site. This one took three sites!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Friday night. But I'm not sure if there will be much going on. Seems like Norman Town will be doing most of its celebrating my favorite holiday tomorrow . . . AFTERNOON! Yea, that's right. Tomorrow is mostly for really little kids. The Corner merchants like handing out candy and stuff to the real young ones and the parents like to get the kids home before dark. I can't blame them much about being safety conscious . . . not these days. Anyway, I just wanted to write a little. Maybe later on in the day I'll write some more.

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